Citizenship Act Changes

Citizenship Act Changes

On June 19, 2017, Bill C-6 passed Parliament. Some immediate changes include:
·         Requirement to intend to live in Canada once granted citizenship was repealed
·         Citizenship revocation provisions only applying to dual citizens were repealed
·         Minors can qualify on their own without the need to have a Canadian parent

As of October 11, 2017, new changes include:
·         Required physical presence in Canada reduced to 3 out of 5 years
·         Days spent in Canada before becoming a permanent resident, within 5 years of applying for citizenship, count as half days (up to 365 days) towards physical presence requirements
·         Age range for language and knowledge requirements reduced to 18-54 years old
·         Time required for applicants to file income taxes before applying for citizenship is reduced to 3 out of 5 years

More changes to the Citizenship Act to take effect at later dates:
·         A new citizenship revocation process with the Federal Court as the decision-maker on most cases
·         Citizenship officers will be allowed to seize fraudulent or suspected fraudulent documents
