Citizenship Act Changes
On June 19, 2017, Bill
C-6 passed Parliament. Some immediate changes include:
Requirement to intend
to live in Canada once granted citizenship was repealed
Citizenship revocation
provisions only applying to dual citizens were repealed
Minors can qualify on
their own without the need to have a Canadian parent
As of October 11,
2017, new changes include:
Required physical
presence in Canada reduced to 3 out of 5 years
Days spent in Canada
before becoming a permanent resident, within 5 years of applying for
citizenship, count as half days (up to 365 days) towards physical presence
Age range for language
and knowledge requirements reduced to 18-54 years old
Time required for
applicants to file income taxes before applying for citizenship is reduced to 3
out of 5 years
More changes to
the Citizenship Act to take effect at later dates:
A new citizenship
revocation process with the Federal Court as the decision-maker on most cases
Citizenship officers
will be allowed to seize fraudulent or suspected fraudulent documents
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